The Style Audit

Do you realize that your style game isn’t up to par?

Do you wish that an expert stylist could review it for you?

Well, that is what The Style Audit is for!

The Style Audit will help you to see where you are making mistakes in your style so that you can dress more stylishly. I will help you take the outfits that you typically wear that are making you feel frumpy to making those same outfits look stylish and put-together.

Here is how it works:

You will submit 7 days of outfit selfies. These should be outfits that you typically wear, styled as you would normally style them.

Within 5 business days of receiving the file back with your images, you will receive The Style Audit back with notes on what is working, what could be improved or changed, and what you could add to make your looks better.

When all is said and done, you will have a guide to reference with specific tweaks you can make to take your style to the next level!


This incredibly impactful Style Audit is ONLY $150.  If you are tired of feeling like your daily outfits are just not hitting the mark, you can get those same looks on-point in JUST TWO WEEKS!  Click below to get started!

Better style in 2 weeks?!  Yes please!

Jumpstart your style today for only $150!

**This is a completely virtual service via email. There will be no phone calls or additional styling advice given beyond the original audit.